Installing People To Notion

Installing People To Notion

May 8, 2024

Here's a quick guide on how to install People to Notion:

  1. go to our Chrome Web Store page and download the extension

  2. follow the instructions on downloading

  3. choose 'Connect to Notion' and accept the access required.

  4. now you have a two choices, either you can choose to use our template for CRM's or you can connect to your own.

  5. after this choice, you should be able to connect the CRM fields in the list.

    1. if this does not work, you need to go to your Notion and connect manually from there. You do this by clicking on the burger menu up to the right hand side and connecting to PeopleToNotion.

  6. after this, you are good to go and can start saving profiles from LinkedIn and Twitter with just one click into your Notion CRM.
