People to Notion

Add LinkedIn and 𝕏 profiles to your Notion CRM in one click. Get data-rich records instantly.

More than 100k LinkedIn profiles saved in Notion

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐4,9 of 5 from 250+ reviews

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Get started with our free CRM template to quickstart your Notion database.

Data-rich contacts

Get the company, location, job title, profile picture, all in Notion. Filter and re-order as you wish.

Is this free?

Yes. Every month, you get up to 15 free credits to save profiles. For more credits, check out our pricing.

Is this free?

Yes. Every month, you get up to 15 free credits to save profiles. For more credits, check out our pricing.

Is this free?

Yes. Every month, you get up to 15 free credits to save profiles. For more credits, check out our pricing.

Which browsers are supported?

People to Notion works on Chrome and all Chromium-based browsers, including Arc and Opera.

Which browsers are supported?

People to Notion works on Chrome and all Chromium-based browsers, including Arc and Opera.

Which browsers are supported?

People to Notion works on Chrome and all Chromium-based browsers, including Arc and Opera.

What's the difference with Notion's extension?

Notion's official Chrome extension doesn't automatically fill out all the contact details.

What's the difference with Notion's extension?

Notion's official Chrome extension doesn't automatically fill out all the contact details.

What's the difference with Notion's extension?

Notion's official Chrome extension doesn't automatically fill out all the contact details.

Is this real and safe?

Yes it is! People to Notion is not related to Notion, the company. Payments are made through Stripe and payment details are not saved.

Is this real and safe?

Yes it is! People to Notion is not related to Notion, the company. Payments are made through Stripe and payment details are not saved.

Is this real and safe?

Yes it is! People to Notion is not related to Notion, the company. Payments are made through Stripe and payment details are not saved.